3、国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于群落构建机制研究生物多样性与疾病之间的关系, 2015/01-2018/12.
4、教育部科学技术研究项目:结合群落系统发育、功能性状的α和β多样性探索植物群落构建机制, 2014/01-2016/12.
5、国家自然科学基金面上项目:具有年龄结构的集合种群中若干进化问题研究, 2012/01-2015/12.
6、国家自然科学基金面上项目:结合生态位分化和中性理论探索植物群落构建机制, 2010/01-2012/12.
7、国家自然科学基金面上项目:物种共存与群落中性理论, 2007/01-2009/12.
1、Xiang Liu#, Pu Jia#, Marc W. Cadotte, Chen Zhu, Xingfeng Si, Yunquan Wang, Fei Chen, Jihua Wu, Shurong Zhou*. 2021. Host plant environmental filtering drives foliar fungal community assembly in symptomatic leaves. Oecologia 195: 737-749.
2、Yao Xiao, Xiang Liu, Li Zhang, Zhiping Song, Shurong Zhou*. 2021. The allometry of plant height explains species loss under nitrogen addition. Ecology Letters 24: 553-562.
3、Mengjiao Huang, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Asynchrony among species and functional groups and temporal stability under perturbations: patterns and consequences. Journal of Ecology 108: 2038-2046.
4、Yawen Lu, Xiang Liu, Fei Chen, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Shifts in plant community composition weaken the negative effect of nitrogen addition on community-level arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B-Biological Sciences. 287: 20200483.
5、Mengjiao Huang, Xiang Liu, Marc W. Cadotte*, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Functional and phylogenetic diversity explain different components of diversity effects on biomass production. Oikos. 129:1185-1195.
6、Xiang Liu, Lifan Chen, Mu Liu, Graciela García-Guzmán, Gregory S. Gilbert, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence. Oikos 129:457–465. (Editor’s Choice).
7、Lifan Chen, Xiang Liu, Zechen Peng, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Species distribution patterns and the scale of host interactions quantitatively but not qualitatively affect the diversity–disease relationship. Ecological Modelling 435:
8、Li Zhang, Tongbin Zhu , Xiang Liu, Ming Nie, Xingliang Xu, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Limited inorganic N niche partitioning by nine alpine plant species after long-term nitrogen addition. Science of the Total Environment 718: 137270.
9、Xiang Liu, Yawen Lu, Zhenhua Zhang, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Foliar fungal diseases respond differently to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Tibetan alpine meadows. Ecological Research 35:162–169.
10、Fei Chen, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Indirect effect of nitrogen enrichment modified invertebrate herbivory through altering plant community composition in an alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecology 12(4):693-702.
11、Xiang Liu, Zhiyuan Ma, Marc W. Cadotte, Fei Chen, Jin-Sheng He*, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Warming affects foliar fungal diseases more than precipitation in a Tibetan alpine meadow. New Phytologist 221(3): 1574-1584.
12、Lifan Chen, Zheng Y.X. Huang, Shurong Zhou*. 2018. The Allee effect in hosts can weaken the dilution effect of host diversity on parasitoid infections. Ecological Modelling 382 :43-50.
13、Xiang Liu, Fei Chen, Shengman Lyu, Dexin Sun, Shurong Zhou*. 2017. Random species loss underestimates dilution effects of host diversity on foliar fungal diseases under fertilization. Ecology and Evolution Doi: 10.1002/ece3.3749.
14、Xiang Liu, Shengman Lyu, Denxin Sun Corey Bradshaw, Shurong Zhou*. 2017. Species decline under nitrogen fertilization increases community-level competence of fungal diseases. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B-Biological Sciences 284: 20162621.
15、Shengman Lyu, Xiang Liu, Patrick Venail, Shurong Zhou*. 2017. Functional dissimilarity, not phylogenetic relatedness, determines interspecific interactions among plants in the Tibetan alpine meadows. Oikos 126(3):381-388.
16、Xiang Liu, Shengman Lyu, Shurong Zhou*, Corey Bradshaw. 2016. Warming and fertilization alter the dilution effect of host diversity on disease severity. Ecology 97:1680-1689.
17、Lifan Chen, Shurong Zhou*. 2015. A combination of species evenness and functional diversity is the best predictor of disease risk in multi-host communities. The American Naturalist 186:755-765.
2014/07至今 ,Associate Editor of Journal of Ecology .
2015/01至今, 植物生态学报 ,编委。
2020/02至今, Subject Editor of Oikos.