2014.09-2018.06: 西华师范大学,地理科学,学士
1. 永利集团科研启动基金,10万,主持
2. 文昌市第三次全国土壤普查外业调查采样项目资料审核及平台质控技术指导,8.7万,主持
3. 江苏省教育厅研究生科研与实践创新计划项目:大棚栽培环境下作物-土壤系统氮转化特点(KYCX21_1322),2021-2022,1.5万,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:植物对土壤氮转化的反馈作用及其机理研究(41830642),2019-2023,282万,科研骨干
5. 国家自然科学基金项目:强还原土壤处理过程中硝态氮的去向及其处理后效(41977032),2019-2023,62万,科研骨干
1. Dan, X.Q. *, He, M.Q., Meng, L., He, X.X., Wang, X.G., Chen, S.D. Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2023). Strong rhizosphere priming effects on N dynamics in soils with higher soil N supply capacity: The ‘Matthew effect’ in plant-soil systems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108949.
2. Dan, X.Q. *, Meng, L., He, M.Q., Chen, S.D., He, X.X., Zhao, C., Li, X., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Gross N transformations and plant N use efficiency in intensive vegetable production soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 108817.
3. Dan, X.Q. *, Meng, L., He, M.Q., Chen, S.D., He, X.X., Zhao, C., Li, X., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Regulation of nitrogen acquisition in vegetables by different impacts on autotrophic and heterotrophic nitrification. Plant and Soil 474, 581–594.
4. Dan, X.Q. *, He, M.Q., Chen, S.D., He, X.X., Zhao, C., Meng, L., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Reductive soil disinfestation promotes vegetable N uptake by regulating soil gross N transformation and improving the quality of degraded soil. Plant and Soil.
5. Dan, X.Q. *, He, X.X., Zhao, C., He, M.Q., Chen, S.D., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Greenhouse Vegetable Cultivation Weakens the Capacity of the Rhizosphere to Supply Soil Mineral N. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 22, 4739-4751.
6. Dan, X.Q. *, Chen, Z.X., Dai, S.Y., He, X.X., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2019). Effects of changing temperature on gross N transformation rates in acidic subtropical forest soils. Forests, 10(10), 894.
7. Zhao, C., He, X.X., Dan, X.Q. *, He, M.Q, Zhao, J., Meng, H., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B. (2022). Soil dissolved organic matters mediate bacterial taxa to enhance nitrification rates under wheat cultivation. Science of The Total Environment, 828, 154418.
8. Zhao, C., He, X.X., Dan, X.Q. *, Zhao, J., Huang, X.Q., Cai, Z., Meng, H., Zhang, J. (2021). Specific dissolved organic matter components drive the assembly of a core microbial community in acidic soil of ammonium-preferring plants. Catena, 207, 105584.
9. He, X.X., Chi, Q.D., Meng, L., Zhao, C., He, M.Q., Dan, X.Q. *, Huang, X.Q., Zhao, J., Zhang, J.B., Cai, Z., Müller, C. (2022). Plants with nitrate preference can regulate nitrification to meet their nitrate demand. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 165, 108516.
10. Wang, W., Zhu, Q., Dai, S., Meng, L., He, M., Chen, S., Zhao, C., Dan, X.Q.*, Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2023). Effects of Solidago canadensis L. on mineralization-immobilization turnover enhance its nitrogen competitiveness and invasiveness. Science of The Total Environment, 882, 163641.
11. Zhu, Q., Wang, W., Dai, S., Meng, L., He, M., Chen, S., Dan, X.Q.*, Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2023). Effects of the number of 15 N-injection needles on the estimation of gross N transformation rates using 15 N tracing tool including plant. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 1-5.
12. Ali, A., Elrys, A. S., Liu, L., Q., Wang, B., Li, Y., Dan, X.Q.*, Iqbal, M., Zhao, J., Huang, X.Q., Cai, Z. (2023). Deciphering the synergies of reductive soil disinfestation combined with biochar and antagonistic microbial inoculation in cucumber fusarium wilt suppression through rhizosphere microbiota structure. Microbial ecology, 85(3), 980-997.
13. Chen, S., He, M., Zhao, C., Wang, W., Zhu, Q., Dan, X.Q.*, Meng, L., Zhang, S.N., Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Rice genotype affects nitrification inhibition in the rhizosphere. Plant and Soil, 481(1-2), 35-48.
14. He, M.Q., Meng, L., Chen, S.D., Dan, X.Q. *, Zhao, C., He, X.X, Cai, Z.C., Zhang, J.B., Müller, C. (2022). Maize Seedlings Prefer NO3− Over NH4+ Independent of pH Changes. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 22(3), 2847-2856
15. 但小倩, 陈招兄, 程谊, 蔡祖聪, & 张金波. (2021). 红壤氮转化对土壤水分变化的响应. 浙江农林大学学报, 38(5), 896-905. (中文核心)